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Full transparency 🤓 :

I’ll start by admitting that I’m was a university professor in a former life and spent a lot of my career as a research scientist studying water-food-energy systems. It’s been a wild ride to “how I got to now” as the CEO of ABEM Digital Creations.

📚 I believe learning is the key to power for understanding what we do in life and in business.

When working with clients on their value ladders and their business strategies and funnels, I ask if they know of Russell’s books – DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and the Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook. Then I ask if they own copies… and then I ask them a couple of questions, to check on comprehension and understanding. Probably 20% of those who have the books have actually read them and are practicing what Russell is trying to teach.

If you want to grow and learn and make funnels work for your business, and if you want to get the most “bang for your buck” from digital marketing, I highly recommend doing the homework. read and ponder the secrets and recipes in Russell Brunson’s books… and come to  “class” prepared!

January 21, 2020 in Blog

We need to fix that leak 💧

My husband and I belong to a sports center in our local community, and I love it. A signature part…
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January 13, 2020 in Blog

What happens when we make assumptions in business? 😇

Every day, part of being human is making assumptions. We make assumptions that the sun will come up and the…
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January 7, 2020 in Blog

Fear and future forecasting 📢

Franklin Roosevelt stated something so incredibly important that caught the attention of our nation when he said, "The only thing…
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